Everyday Cosmetics Blog


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Fashion and fragrance have always had a close connection, so it is not a surprise that cities known for design firms are also home to perfume companies. New York, Paris, Milan, and, of course, London, are as famous for one as the other right now, but those reputations came after a lot of hard...
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10 Reasons Your Foundation Looks Cakey, and How to Fix It

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Sometimes, we all have been there: We reach for a new foundation (or sometimes even one we have used for years) without realising that our faces look horrible after we apply it (or glance at it).“Cakey foundation is not always the fault of the foundation itself or the skin it’s being applied to, according...
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Do you know how best to protect your hair from the sun?

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  Spending too much time in the sun isn't healthy for the skin, which is why it's important to moderate your spending. Sunburn, hyperpigmentation, dehydration, and wrinkles are all possible side effects of sun exposure, but the sun is more than just that. Chlorine, seawater, and other substances can also negatively affect your hair....
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How to Make a Winter Skin Care Routine, By Skin Type

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Thinking of winter makeup, holiday cheer, and beautiful snowfall makes you picture icy temperatures, holiday gaiety, and breathtaking snowflakes. However, while the chilly temperatures do have a lot of good features, there are some things you may not like as much. One of those things is dry skin that is caused by low humidity...
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